Global Leader of Quality-Driven & Innovative Nut Solutions We are the NUT EXPERTS Our business model is simple. High quality products, services & knowledge.
General info: John B. Sanfilippo & Son processes, packages, markets and distributes snack and baking nut products. Its shelled and in-shell nuts and extruded snacks are sold under a variety of private labels and under the company s Fisher, Evons s, Snack N Serve Nut Bowl, Sunshine Country, Flavor Tree and Texas Pride brand names. The company also markets and distributes a product line of food and snack items. John B. Sanfilippo & Son has its headquarters and main production and distribution facility in Elk Grove Village, Ill. It also has facilities in Arlington Heights, Ill, Bainbridge, Ga, Garysburg, N. C, Gustine and Walnut, Calif, and the Sunshine Nut Company in Selma, Texas. The Bainbridge, Ga, and Garysburg, N. C, facilities are located near the main growing regions for runner and Virginia type peanuts, and the walnut shelling facility in Gustine, Calif, and Sunshine Nut Company in Selma, Texas are near walnut, almond and pecan growing regions. Executives of John B Sanfilippo & Son Inc:
Coo, Steve Harmon Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Food, beverages and tobacco (wholesale)
Don't forget that the most detailed information about John B Sanfilippo & Son Inc in Gustine you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1996
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