Dried/Dehydrated Fruits Vegetables (Mfr) Executives of Hill View Packing:
Manufacturing Executive, Ron Ramos Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Deeply rooted into the traditions of California agriculture, Valley View Packing launched over 60 years ago in the 1950's. The hard work and labor of Joe Rubino and his brothers are what propelled the strong family oriented company. Over the years as San Jose began to grow and develop, Valley View eventually transitioned into Hill View Packing in 1995. Joe Rubino, one of the brothers, became the founder of the current Hill View Packing. As many years of previous experience were gained at Valley View, Joe was involved in the growing of many fruits and the development of the modern-day dryers for the prune industry. Among his other accomplishments were producing high quality fruit concentrates, prune concentrates, juices, nectars, and other dried fruit products.
Unfortunately, in late 1995, Joe Rubino passed away. However, the management continues as a family owned company head by Joe Rubino's children Diane and Joe, current President and Vice President, respectively. Both Diane and Joe are trained and experienced through many years under their father's tutelage. Their goal is to continue in the tradition of their father to provide quality service together with high quality products. Three generations strong, Hill View continues to implement the importance of traditions, family, and quality products and services. We are a company truly rooted in the history of agriculture in California, more specifically, the Bay Area, or as it was once known as "The Valley of Hearts Delight".
Soup mixes
Fruit, dehydrated
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Hill View Packing in Gustine you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 2001
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